Five years ago today, Linds and I were married! A LOT has happened over those last five years, and it has been the greatest of adventures to be able to walk through it all together. We have climbed mountains and snowboarded down them, we have started in new ministries and have moved away to others, we have invested locally and worked globally, we have launched into four masters degree and discovered the value of experience, we have toured big European cities and strolled dirt paths in Latin America, we have escaped to the rural and we have exploded into the urban. Throughout it all we have had some incredible experiences, some glorious fights, and more than our share of a joyful friendship. It's been five years and I love my bride more than ever. Right now we're exploring Chicago, and the next couple of days we have here promise even more adventure. These five years have been the best of my life, and I can't begin to express how excited I am about all those we have ahead of us!
- Drew
Happy Anniversary!!