Be Strong and Courageous
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9.
The book of Joshua is one of Drew's favorite books of the Bible. My husband is a very passionate man and his passion is revealed when he talks about the book of Joshua. If you have ever been in any of his youth groups you will know what I mean. This passage has become one of my favorites and it came to my mind yesterday morning while I was walking in the neighborhood. I usually have a hard time praying or thinking about anything else when I am exercising, but yesterday it was different. I found this verse going through my head as I was thinking about this upcoming year in school. It is going to be crazy crazy CRAZY busy, overwhelming, and stressful. As Drew and I will both be finishing up our degrees, doing our internship for counseling (15-20 hours a week), working part-time jobs, and raising support. Not to mention grocery shopping, homework, laundry, homework, marriage, homework, friendships, oh and homework!
Whenever Drew teaches on this passage he always points out that God is commanding the Israelites to be strong and courageous. He is not patting them on the back and giving them a warm word of encouragement, but he is commanding them! God had shown himself faithful to his people through the exodus and through the desert, and he is now telling them to continue to be strong because he will continue to be with them as they go into the promise land. What a beautiful part of God's story!
I am not about to fight armies in order to gain land, but I am about to embark on a year of new experiences, busyness, brokenness, and stress. The Lord has been so faithful to Drew and me in these past three years of seminary, and yesterday I heard his reminder as I walked that he is commanding me to be strong and courageous for HE will be with me wherever I go! He has called me to these tasks, and I need to enter his will with joy, knowing that his promises are good!
I wish it was easier to remember these things during those moments of freak out!
Good reminder, Lindsey. Great application to me as well as I am transitioning as well to full time missions in the next year.