Empty Spaces in the Carpet and Towers of Books
Drew and I have been very busy preparing for our move. This past week we sold our dresser, futon, 2 bed side tables, a coffee table, side table, and our TV stand. We also sold Drew's '94 honda accord which is a miracle! Ok, we didn't sell it, but our friend Dave did! The car would not pass inspection so we had to sell it is as is. Our friend Dave LOVES to sell cars on craigslist and is apparently good at it because it sold within three days of being posted. This morning Drew and I were praying together at the table and asking the Lord to provide a buyer for the car as well as praising him that all of our other furniture sold. As we finished praying my cell phone rang and Dave called to tell us that he sold it to the perfect buyer! PRAISE THE LORD!!! We are now a one car family.
As I watched the furniture that we sold leave our house I felt a little bit of sadness with each piece and with each new empty space in the carpet. Side note, without fail Mia (our cat) loves to lay in the new empty carpet space...she is so weird! I felt sad to watch the coffee table leave this morning since it was one of the first pieces of furniture that we bought when we were married. I know it's necessary for it to go and there will be plenty more coffee tables in my life, but I think I am having moments of sadness as all this change is taking place. We continue to trust in God as he leads us to this next phase! God has also graciously provided all the money that we need to move!
We currently have stacks of books piled in the living room in order to make a spreadsheet so we can know what books are in what boxes over these next two years. Are we nerds?? I think so!
Oh, and I was able to take a peek at the upcoming class offerings at Covenant for next year and I definitely looked at all the books for each class to see which ones are new. For the ones that I haven't read I added them to my Amazon Wish List. I am a nerd! I might have to have Drew buy me new pencils at the end of August even though I won't be going back to school. BIC #2 0.5mm mechanical of course! :)
May everything go smoothly with the move! Love Dave Annie and Dawson