And We're Back!
And we're off! We've finished out one major life stage with our education at Covenant Theological Seminary, and we are pretty excited to be able to embark on the next stages as well. With the start of the summer has come many things for us from cramming in final meetings with good friends to figuring out plans for Drew to get through the ordination process. One of the big things that we've had on our lists is to put together a little bit more of a vision of what we want to do with this blog. Clearly we've slacked off a little bit with the close of the semester and the craziness of opening the summer, but it's time to get back on track.
For starters, since we are going to be doing a large amount of support team building as we come on with Mission to the World, we want this to be a place where friends, family, and supporters can keep up with us and stay informed of what we are doing, where we are going, and what different events are happening with our ministry. We'll still be sending out regular updates through email and other mediums, but we'd like this to be kind of the mortar between the bricks of our communications.
Second, since what we'll be doing with working with students within missionary families around the globe, we want to explore and reflect on the multifarious cultures that we engage, but especially the one culture that is common amongst us all, the good ol' US of A. We would love the privilege of hearing your voices chime in on these as well.
Thirdly, we want to stay actively engaged in finding and engaging resources that further the work of bringing the truth of the story of Christianity to bear in everyday life. We're hoping to post some of our musings, questions, reflections, and even reviews about different books, tools, and programs we come across so that we can trade thoughts with all of you as well!
Finally, this is our life, and as the title of this blog states, we are working hard to cultivate it well. We are excited to use this as a journal of who we are and the adventures God brings us through. We'll be uploading pictures, recording our joys, mourning our sorrows, and simply offering one more way that the rest of you can peek into the madness that is the family of Drew & Lindsey Wilkins.
We appreciate all of you and would love for you to follow our blog on a regular basis! We covet your prayers as we begin this new stage of life!
Drew and Lindsey
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