Novels, yay or nay?
"I don't know about you, but for me there came that moment during every visit to the farmers' market when I wanted more. I wanted to be the one standing behind the folding table, a truck of organic produce at my back, displaying my heirloom of tomatoes and baby potatoes. I want to be the one handing over glossy sheaves of swiss chard at a reasonable price and talking knowledgeably about my mushroom patch. The one looking cold and somewhat chapped about the face and hands, yet more alive than anyone else in unfashionable rubber boots and dirty pants."
If Drew's theory is right then I will enjoy this book, because I have wanted to be exactly what she describes. Though, MY poka dotted rubber boots are pretty cute!
We will see if I devour this book or if it sits on my bed side stand collecting dust and late fees because I have forgotten to return it on time.
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