The Beauty of Redemption

I have been watching the show 9 by design on Bravo for the last two days and have felt a little inspired by some of the awesome and creative design they do in homes. One thing I really love to do is find old furniture and turn it into something beautiful. I especially love old doors and windows. I find so much enjoyment in bringing beauty to something old and broken. Creating a beautiful and welcoming space in our home is something I believe is part of bearing God's image and continuing to spread the story of redemption. The story of redemption is about bringing beauty to brokenness. God created things to be good and the fall caused everything to be broken. Christ's death has brought redemption to the broken things, and not just to human beings but to all of creation. Bringing beauty into my home and to all of life is part of furthering the story! N.T. Wright in Surprised by Hope says this,

"It is, I believe, part of being made in God's image that we are ourselves creators or at least procreators. The extraordinary ability to bring forth new life, supremely of course through begetting children but in millions of other ways as well, is central to the mandate the human race receives in Genesis 1 and 2. To make sense of and celebrate a beautiful world through the production of artifacts that are themselves beautiful is part of the call to be stewards of creation, as was Adam;s naming of the animals. Genuine art is thus itself a response to the beauty of creation, which itself is a pointer to the beauty of God."

Here are a few of my favorite pieces of beauty in our house!

Do you have any pieces of beauty in your home that are particularly your favorite?

What are some ways that you see beauty in the midst of brokenness?


  1. I see beauty in the midst of brokenness when I see the Holy Spirit touching lives and beginning to work in the lives of people in transforming them more to His image. Esp people running from the Lord who are seeking to turn around their lives....Beauty in the brokenness.

  2. Hey Tori,
    Thanks so much for your comment. I agree with you completely! It is so amazing to see the transformational work of the Gospel in people's lives and especially in our own. It often brings tears to my eyes to look around at each person during Sunday mornings and think about how God is involved in each of their stories and working in each of their in the midst of brokenness!


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