Checkin' Out Chatty

Linds and I had the privilege this last week of spending some time visiting Covenant College to explore a little more of what our life might look like when we have our support raised. It was a wonderful trip! While we were there we were able to meet with several people at Covenant who are already focused in on TCKs and MKs, and we were impressed by how much they have going on, and encouraged by the ways they were excited to have us coming!

Since much of the work we will be doing requires a lot of traveling to visit the mission sites of many of our MTW families, we have the privilege of being pretty flexible on the location where we would like to live. Because of this, living near a university that consistently draws TCK students is very attractive. Living near Covenant College would give us a pretty awesome position to minister not only when we are abroad, but gives us plenty of opportunities to do local ministry in our own backyard with many of the TCKs who have come back to the states for university.

It was pretty cool to dream about the ways that we could be a part of life around Covenant College. We had a great time getting to know some of the students, and are pretty excited about the doors that could open for us there! Please pray that our support raising efforts would be fruitful, that we would have donors coming on with monthly support, and that we would be launched into our work very soon!


  1. I'm so excited that you visited Covenant! My sister (Marianna) told me that you met her! :)


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