After writing in and having his thoughts printed in WORLD magazine, Jonathan Taylor, a team mate of ours, inspired one of the journalists at the publication to dig a little deeper. As such, this month both Jonathan and our team leader, Eric Larsen, were interviewed by World Magazine about the "10/30 window" (the people between the ages of ten and thirty who now comprise over 50% of the globe's population), touching on issues of extended adolescence, generational divisions, and the globalization of youth culture. It's pretty neat to not only see the field we are working in gain recognition, but it is especially exciting to have the privilege of being a voice in the conversations about how to work in it well!
Take a moment to check out the article,
The Other Unreached People Group, and tell us what you think about it. What do you think about the category of the "10/30 window?" Is this a helpful way to frame a people group?
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