On to Singapore!

I have been leading worship this week and have really enjoyed hearing the voices of all the leaders and MK's singing praises to our King. Yesterday we took some time to pray out loud as a group and lift up words of praise to God. We heard multiple students praise God for "this youth group!" These words are particularly significant to us because for many of these students this week is their one opportunity to be around leaders and other students who "get them." The uniqueness of this event is something that can add a lot of pressure and insecurity for some students - however, we have already heard several turn-arounds from students here with us who came in expecting to not fit in and to be treated poorly but who have expressed to their parents how much they are loving their time here. One mother last night approached us with tears in here eyes talking about how dark many of the challenges of their location have been, and how much it has meant to her that she can see her son laughing and feeling included! We were so excited to hear these things and really do praise God for what he is doing through our team, and how we are able to love and encourage these students this week.

Yesterday during worship Drew and I had a chance to share a testimony about how God has been working in our life. It's always a joy to take time to reflect on what the Lord has been teaching us and then to be able to share that with others. Two of our other teammates shared as well.

Last night we had a retreat wide line dancing party. It was so much fun! There was lots of laughter and more connection to students. It's amazing how some young people will allow themselves to be silly when they see adults running around acting crazy! This is definitely one of my favorite parts of the retreat!

Today we all have a day off and many of us are going to explore Singapore. We have to drive over the border out of Malaysia and into Singapore so you know what that means, more stamps in our passports! :)

We are really looking forward to taking some time soon load up a bunch of our picture so that we can post them on here to share with all of you!

Many of you have contacted us letting us know that you are praying for us and we so appreciate it! God is answering prayers!



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