Some thoughts on love...

I remember laying on my floor when I was young listening to the "New Kids on the Block," and being swept away with thoughts of the cutest one on the block. I think it was Joey, but then again I was so fickle it could have changed weekly. Like any young girl I dreamed about the day that my prince would come and sweep me off of my feet. If you ask any of my friends from high school and even college I longed for that day, and used to throw dating books across the room out of frustration. It was like the man of my dreams just could not show up soon enough. But God's timing was perfect, and unexpectedly brought Drew into my life.

I started thinking about these things while I was driving today and listening to Taylor Swifts song "Love Story." Since I work in youth ministry I am constantly intrigued by the music that young girls are listening to and the message that it sends them about, love, men, relationships, sex, and their bodies. This song is really catchy and the climax comes at the end when Romeo gets on his knee to ask Juliet for her hand. They can finally run away together and escape the problems of the world. Even as a happily married woman of 5 years I got chills at the end of the song because there is a God given desire to be known, loved, and sought after in all human beings. This is why so many love songs are written. God has designed us and made us to be in relationship.

The thing I struggle with is the message that the love songs send. Just like me sitting in my room on my "New Kids on the Block" sleeping bag listening to love songs and dreaming of my prince there is definitely something to be affirmed in everyone (and in this case young girls) desires to fall in love. I think there is also a call in all of our interactions with media to look to what Scripture says about what love, marriage, and relationships should look like. There is a message to affirm in Taylor Swift's lyrics. But the false message that it sends is that meeting prince charming takes way all of your problems.

I think part of my job as a leader of young girls is to engage in conversations regarding love and marriage. Helping them to know how to affirm the desires that God has given them, but also pointing them to Jesus who fulfills those desires completely. But by God's grace and design he has made us to be in relationship with others and it is privilege to love and to be loved. I believe that in youth ministry one of the greatest ministries that my husband and I can have is modeling to young people what it means for a husband and wife to love and serve each other according to God's design. Certainly we are not perfect in this endeavor, but we see it as so important and encourage others to do the same.

I will be the first one to admit how much I love to watch romantic comedies and listen to love songs, but think it is important to engage young people and our own hearts in the messages that this media sends.

One of my favs!

I am thankful for my husband who continues to sweep me off my of feet everyday! Going back to the title of Taylor's song I finally got my love story and it was more then I had EVER dreamed! Love is not like the movies, but it also doesn't have to stop after you hit the 5, 10, 15, 20 year mark either. Loving and pursuing each other in marriage is one of the most beautiful things that God has ever designed!

P.S. Pictures and reflections from our trip to Mexico coming soon.


  1. This post blessed me so much!! Aaron and I just recorded a session at Focus for Boundless and talked about our love story. It's amazing and beautiful how God orchestrates our love stories, and yet we allow ourselves to be filled with lies about who we are and what we are entitled to in relationships. Thank you for sharing. I join you in praying for the upcoming generation of women that their hearts will be captured by Christ. <3


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